Smart Healthy Women Magazine© 2013-2017 Smart Healthy Women Magazine. All rights reserved.Smart Healthy Women Magazine was created for smart women everywhere who want the latest strategies for living a life of health, wellbeing and happiness.CONTENTS09OVERCOMING FEARS AND PHOBIASby Stephanie Dalfonzo What is your fear costing you? Healingyour fear doesn’t have to take a longtime and healing doesn’t have to hurt. 14EMBRACINGVULNERABILITYby Jo Hodson Sometimes we can fool ourselves intothinking we are stepping into our power...BUT'showing up' is in the doing.06FROM THE EDITOR'S DESKWelcome to Smart Healthy WomenMagazine - in this issue we bring youtips on using your vulnerability to youradvantage. 07OUR CONTRIBUTORSOur experts love contributing their tipsand strategies to help you make your lifeeven more awesome. See what they havein store for your in this month's issue!22THE VALUE OF VULNERABILITYby Erin Martin Being vulnerable is something that can feel uncomfortable - but there is true power in allowing yourself to be vulnerable 29HOW TO FACE YOURFEARSby Danny Bader Fear is a powerful force. It can eitherinspire us to do great things or it canparalyze us to the point of doingnothing at all.40RELEASE THE FEAR OFLOSINGby Allie Chambers Competitiveness can be exhaustingand it's a hard habit to break - how doyou release the need to always befirst?34FROM VULNERABILITYTO STRENGTHby Ebonie Allard We all have an awesome, inbuiltguidance system, which whisperswisdom from our souls, but many ofus have forgotten how or gotten out ofthe habit of listening. 45HOW TO BEVULNERABLE AND OKby Anne Watkins Embracing your vulnerability andcoping with whatever life throws atyou doesn’t always come easily. But itis worth it. 51by Sonia McDonald How do you find the courage you need to jump off that cliff and follow that dream, or choose that new path? DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO JUMP?5512 SIGNS OFVULNERABILITYby Estelle Williams What if your vulnerability was reallyyour superpower, and appreciation ofits undiscovered potential could leadyou exactly on the path you are meantto follow?CONNECTShareSubscribeGet in TouchFollow UsEditor's DeskEditor's DeskHello from Smart Healthy Women Magazine!Usually when we think of vulnerability, it's at odds with how we think we need to be to havesuccess in our lives. Vulnerability has been a dirty word in our vocabulary for some time. On top of that, it is very much linked to Fear, which again is not an emotion that is valued or sought after. The way I see it, fear is the polar opposite of vulnerability - if you are able to show your vulnerable side to others, you are more likely to connect, however if you live in fear then you might puff yourself up or run away to avoid a confrontation. Neither of these options allows you to show your authentic self, which is what you need to do to increase the quality of your life and particularly your relationships, because vulnerability is very much linked to love. We have some thought provoking articles from our experts this month, that promise to deliver surprising and welcome results. You are welcome to drop us a line at to say hi! In love and light, Estelle Williams Editor -in-ChiefI'm thrilled to bring to you our latest issue - this month it's our Vulnerability issue!Allie ChambersStephanie DalfonzoErin MartinDanny BaderJo HodsonContributorsAnne WatkinsSonia MacdonaldEbonie AllardContributorsEstelle WilliamsFind us on your Favourite App Store:Next >