< PreviousMONEY,SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 19SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 19SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 19Turn on your computer, look at your )acebook timeline Ȉ practically everywhere you look online you’ll find someone willing to teach you the secrets of manifesting money, for a fee. It seems that making money online is either all about making the law of attraction work for you by delivering a missing secret or about teaching you how to make money online. It’s absurd! I don’t doubt the validity of the /aw of Attraction Ȉ I have seen it working first hand in my own life. %ut to me, the key to creating a life of your own design is not about looking for the missing link in manifesting, it is something you are already doing and already have access to change. 7)irstly itÍs aboXt bXnderstandinJ hoZ yoX create byoXr ZorldPAGE 20SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINE7+oZ did \oX do tKDt":ell itÊs a fact tKat your beliefs are tKe Neys to manifesting ZKateYer you Zant in your life and remoYing ZKateYer you donÊt Zant.SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 21SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 21SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 21:KDt Dre EeOieIs"PAGE 22SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINE7SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 23SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 23SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 23+aving discovered at least some of your deepest beliefs about money, you may now work on changing them to what you prefer. This can be achieved via hypnosis, parts integration work, consistent affirmations, energy work or a myriad other methods that are designed to affect the subconscious mind. The work you do with an understanding of your deepest beliefs are most powerful when you use them to counter and turn them around. Understanding your deep programs is, in my opinion, where the most important work lies. It is only when you change your deep money programs or any other program you desire that you will be able to permanently change your results in the outer world. :hat yoX do Zhen yoX haYe more money than XsXal is a XseIXl clXe as to Zhat yoXr money SroJrams are PAGE 24SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINE― E3,&TET86Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 25SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 25SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 25@5NANB5ALLY UNSUBBESS@ULPAGE 26SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINE3SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 27SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 27SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 27%efore \ou speaN, listen. %efore \ou write, thinN. %efore \ou spenG, earn. %efore \ou invest, investigate. %efore \ou critici]e, wait. %efore \ou pra\, forgive. %efore \ou Tuit, tr\. %efore \ou retire, save. %efore \ou Gie, give. WilliaP $. WarGPAGE 28SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINENext >