The SmartHealthy WomenMagazineSmart Healthy Women Magazine wascreated for smart women everywherewho want the latest strategies for living alife of health, wellbeing and happiness.© 2013-2017 Smart Healthy WomenMagazine. All rights reserved.Visit UsCONTENTS07MONEY VS VALUEThere's a difference between what we consider money vs value and it will be different for each of us. 11BREAKING THE GLASS CEILINGOne of the big issues I see when it comes to many women is getting frustrated with their blocks that prevent them from breaking the glass ceiling 04FROM THEEDITOR'S DESKWelcome to Smart Healthy Women Magazine - in this issue we look at the important topic of Money. 05OUR CONTRIBUTORSThis issue we bring you stories from our experts who share their special tips on creating, managing and investing money. 19THE TROUBLE WITH MONEYCreating a life of your own design isn't about looking for the missing link in manifesting money, it's something you're already doing. 267 HABITS OF THE FINANCIALLY UNSUCCESSFULAre these 7 habits preventing you from setting up a comfortable future by ensuring you are one of the many financially unsuccessful?3312 SIGN YOU'RE ON THE MONEYCan you use astrology to gauge how best to sell to your customers? Well as a matter of fact you can - learn about money signs! 3910 STEPS TO CREATE FLOW AND SUCCESSWhat is it that provides flow, or blocks it, in what you do? The answer is not rocket science.What is it that provides flow, or blocks it, in what you do? The answer is not rocket science.CONNECTShareSubscribeGet in TouchFollow UsEditor's Desk:elcoPe to SPart +ealth\ :oPen 0aJa]ineAdrienne BermanMandy GibbonsPenny CollicoatAllison ChambersVanessa Vink&oQtriEXtorsEditor's DeskMONEY VS VALUEMy husband has the hockey game on in the background and a commercial comes on. It was a hockey player and he was talking about how his measure of success isn’t based on his success with the team, but rather how he feels about himself and how his children look up to him. I can honestly say that that is the best advice I have heard in a long time. I am constantly making excuses for the size of my house, the size of my mid-sized SUV, the reason we eat where we eat and shop where we shop. ,SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 7SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 7SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEPAGE 7We live paycheck to paycheck and watch and budget what we spend each month. This is very different than our own family members and some of our friends/neighbors. We have a two-year-old, and one on the way. I can honestly say I have accepted any and all handouts from friends offering clothes, shoes, toys, books, etc. as well as give back when we have outgrown our own stuff. I guess my point is, we live well within our means, we are frugal to an extent, and were probably more the norm than we know. I have been trying to get better about being proud of what we do own, where we do live and drive, and how hard we have worked to be here. Also, if we would have looked at our lives five years ago, and compare it to where we are today, we are exactly where we wanted to be and then some! We are probably more the norm than we know...,PAGE 8SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINENext >