Page 36 - SHW Magazine Issue 37
P. 36

Smake­up she wears, the position she holds in society, nor the words that come out of her mouth, but in the inner light she radiates.
When a woman finds and connects with this part of herself, forgives the disowned parts of her being, sheds the masks of protection she has worn and allows herself to be completely authentic in her self­expression of all she is as a woman, she simply becomes a beacon of light.
And it is in her ownership of her own goddess light, she gives permission for others to shine their own light also.
This is the way of the goddess ­ she is not just in some of us, she is in all of us and you can start invoking her today starting with these quick tips to tune into your inner feminine power, turn on your goddess light and amplify your womanly radiance for success and fulfilment at work, in relationships and in life.

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